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IMMATURE GANG                Immature gang est le nom   qu’a   donner   Kabore   Mallory à l’émission qu’elle a créée sur son compte   Instagram . Avec le  lock  down a New York la ville où elle réside Mallaury, elle a décidé de faire des  lives  sur  instagram  ou, elle invite des rappeurs à faire des freestyles sur un  beat   quelle leurs  envoi en avance.  Originaire du Burkina, elle a réussi à réunir les meilleurs  rappeur  du moment sur son  live on  compte pour en citer  quelque un   Huguo  boss,  TOKSA , Danny D et récemment on pu la voire avec  Imilo  le Chanceux ou alors le rappeur ivoirien  Fior  2  Bior .   Les amateurs de rap se réunissent par centaine sur son live qui est  devenus  incontournable.  Une occasion pour les rappeurs de se tester et pour les a...
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Hey professor Milton here is my image.
Thursday, December 12 the museum of modern art PS one has an exhibition about the operation in the golf war between 1991 in 2011 after the check-in you could directly get access to the museum and this exhibition was projected in three different floor of the museum. It's was projected in a small room with two seats where people can seat and watch the show and it's a lot of sequence of news put together. From the headline to the the news session itself they cover the I Iraq war as it was during that time its actual real news information from that  about that war that Happened 10 years ago and it's really treated in different angle and what I really noticed during the presentation of the show is that there are advertising, commercial it was included in the the news I found it interesting between two raids of the US Army they put on a commercial of chocolate or between an intervention of Saddam Hussein they had a commercial soul of cartoon also this war was consider...
The wasted land is a documentary of Vick Muniz a Brazilian artist that describes himself in the documentary as a poor boy that had grown up with nothing and end up to be one of the best selling artists in brazil. The wasted land was release in 2010 it was shot in Jardim Gramacho, one of the world's largest landfills located in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, where men and women gather to recycle garbage. To have a better opinion of the situation Vick flew to brazil to see the situation himself and he said in the documentary that “I was expecting to see people who were beaten and broken. But they are survivors.” By watching the documentary we can see that these people are very proud there is violence everywhere near them they could choose the easy way like everyone and be a gang member or prostitute but instead, they are collecting garbage to earn their lives worthily. By spending time there with them Vick will pick some and make a portrait of them throughout the documentary. His objective...
For this week's assignment, i decide to talk about the photographer Zanelle Moholi. Zanelle Moholi is an amazing South African photographer and also an activist that try to tell stories from the picture she took. In most of her works, she tries to put light on subjects that are taboo or subject to controversy in her country. In Somnyama Ngonyama a series of pictures she did, on one of the portraits she wears bike tubes around her neck and head as a jewel but she is trying to talk about apartheid in South Africa where black people were just taken put bike tire around their neck and burn. Apartheid is a dark period of South African history where segregated and discriminated. A lot of color folks died during that time. And there are sensible subjects even in today's South Africa. But as a committed artist, these are The tough subject Zanelle Moholi cover on some of her artworks. Another hot t subject in South Africa but also in Africa is the treatment of gays and lesbians ther...
Hi professor i modify my photo collage and here is the result.