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For this week's assignment, i decide to talk about the photographer Zanelle Moholi. Zanelle Moholi is an amazing South African photographer and also an activist that try to tell stories from the picture she took. In most of her works, she tries to put light on subjects that are taboo or subject to controversy in her country. In Somnyama Ngonyama a series of pictures she did, on one of the portraits she wears bike tubes around her neck and head as a jewel but she is trying to talk about apartheid in South Africa where black people were just taken put bike tire around their neck and burn. Apartheid is a dark period of South African history where segregated and discriminated. A lot of color folks died during that time. And there are sensible subjects even in today's South Africa. But as a committed artist, these are The tough subject Zanelle Moholi cover on some of her artworks.

Another hot t subject in South Africa but also in Africa is the treatment of gays and lesbians there are viewed as sick people they are beaten up and often kill in their houses. Being a part of the community herself and also being an artist that is popular she decided to fight for the community in the interview she said at one point that ‘’ we hardly found image that speak of life and joy of LGBT individuals’’ so in response to that she creates a project called ‘’ Faces and phases’’ where she took pictures of gays and lesbian art different stage of their life and have them comment or talk about the struggle they go through and for her no one else can do a better job than someone coming from the community. She wrote a book name faces and phases and the project was so successful that she tours the world museum with it. That short documentary was really empowering i did not know about this artist before but i was very surprised by her work and I learned a lot from this interview of art 21. I even found an article of the new york times about her.


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