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The first painting was made during renaissance time (1400-1550) it represent a man praying. In the painting, we can see an old man with his fingers crossed. During the renaissance, the Catholic Church was really powerful  and they were asking painters to paint for them and most of these painting was influenced by the church sot they were using a lot of religious symbols related to Christianism, This painting is called men in prayer and it was painted by Robert Campin between 1430-1435
Robert Campin was from Netherland he was a great master of early Netherland painting.

 In the second portrait the first thing we notice that the man is not praying there is no religious representation on the piece of art. That period represents the end of the renaissance and the beginning of another period call baroque (1550-1605). Pieces of Baroque art are different from renaissance first because civilians could pay painter sot hey produce art pieces for them. Also the color is better the line as well and we can notice that on our painting the old men aging lines are made perfectly and the colors are bright. The painting is called a portrait of a man it represents an old men dress in black sit on a chair. Its was painting by Jacopo Tintoretto in 1550.


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